Ctrl+L OR Cmd+L: Jump to the address bar.

This keyboard shortcut also lets you take action on anything that’s currently selected, such as pushing a highlighted button. If you’re using Safari on a Mac machine, then when you use either version of this shortcut, you have to add Alt to the combination.Īs you move from link to link, you can tap Enter to follow whichever one is highlighted at the time. To move in the opposite direction, hit Shift+Tab. Instead of hovering the mouse over the page until the cursor becomes clickable, you can hop from link to link in order (left to right on each line of text from top to bottom) by tapping Tab. Some websites make hyperlinks hard to find. Tab and Shift+Tab OR Alt+Tab and Alt+Shift+Tab: Move between links.Many Mac keyboards don’t include these keys, but you have another option: Fn+Left arrow or Fn+Right arrow will perform the same functions, respectively, as Home and End. Zoom to the very top or bottom of a page with these one-button shortcuts. Home and End OR Fn+Left arrow and Fn+Right arrow: Jump to the top and bottom of a page.To hop back up, hold down Shift before tapping the spacebar. Next time you’re reading an endless length of text, tap the spacebar to jump down one page at a time. Space and Shift+Space: Page down and up.

We collected 28 shortcuts for you to try out in Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari. Once your fingers have committed them to muscle memory, you’ll be able to zoom through your daily tasks at top speed. These shortcuts, which work in most major browsers, help you navigate, select, and interact with web pages-all without touching the mouse. While you’re at it, don’t forget that your web browser comes with its own set of key combinations.
You already rely on keyboard shortcuts to navigate your Windows or macOS computer and power through tasks more quickly.